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  Breast Asymmetry

  (1) Axillary Breast

Occasionally breast tissue develops in the axillae (armpits) producing an unnatural fullness adjacent to the upper and outer breast. This is often quite disturbing for the patient.

The connection can be done as a day-case with local anaesthesia.

(2) Constricted Breast

Also called tuberous (potato-shaped) breast. This is basically a situation when the distance between the natural crease where the breast meets the chest wall and its upper pole is very shortened producing an appearance of constriction. The breast droops over this constriction. There is also a very large areola into which the breast mass seems to prolapse. In addition the breast may be undersized.

The operation aims at making the areola smaller and corrects the constriction with internal radial incisions on the base of the breast. If necessary an implant may be inserted to correct a small size, if present or to achieve better symmetry with the other breast..

The operation is done under general anaesthesia and the results are generally most pleasing for the patient who was, naturally, extremely distressed with this asymmetry.

(3) Inverted Nipples

In some women the nipple is drawn inside the areola because the little tubes (milk ducts) within it which carry milk outside are shortened and are pulling the nipple inwards. Correction is achieved permanently by cutting these ducts at the base of the nipple. It is done under local anaesthesia as a day-case.

(4) Unilateral Hypoplasia

Rarely, one breast may be much smaller than its opposite fellow producing gross asymmetry. Various gradations of the problem may exist. Sometimes the underdevelopment of a breast may be combined with the absence or underdevelopment of the thumb on the same side.

Correction almost always will involve the use of implants and perhaps also deal with other potential problems like constriction, as noted above.